Rain Newton-Smith urges main parties to end 'deafening silence' on climate action and deliver bold reforms to turbocharge green investment
Freedom of Information request reveals many NHS Trusts do not have clear decarbonisation roadmaps in place despite ambition to reach net zero by 2040
ISSB launches new two year work programme, as it promises to strengthen partnerships with other reporting bodies
One of the biggest UN polls ever has revealed overwhelming public support for bolder climate action - it is the job of political and business leaders to deliver
IPPR report reveals how UK is lagging badly behind the rest of the G7 in terms of public and private sector, undermining productivity, liviung standards, and the net zero transition
Party claims ditching all net zero policies and axing clean energy subsidies would save £30bn a year
Over 400 experts from leading research institutions warn a new government that lacks a bold pledge to ramp up climate action would be 'shirking its international responsibilities'
New scorecard reveals how most of the G7 are making progress in decarbonising their power sectors, but warns further acceleration is needed
Shareholders prioritise short-term profits over net zero future with approval of Shell's downgraded transition plan
Lord Deben appointed chair of new group bringing together businesses, trade bodies, and campaigners