Joe Biden delivers stirring speech as he is sworn in as the 46th President of the US and prepares to sign order for US to return to Paris Agreement on his first day in the White House
New poll suggests majority of British public think Joe Biden's victory spells good news for the environment
Amidst historic chaos in Washington, the Democrat's Senate victory has provided a major boost to hopes for a new era of global climate action – but can they be realised?
President-elect announces 'trailblazing' team to lead his ambitious climate policy from next year including Jennifer Granholm as Energy Secretary
GreenBiz's Sarah Golden looks bag at an historic year for the clean energy transition
Reports suggest former Environmental Protection Agency head Gina McCarthy is set to be appointed as domestic climate czar
A Joe Biden Presidency paves the way for a more coordinated approach in the transition to a low carbon world, writes Schroders' Mark Lacey, Alexander Monk and Felix Odey
Marking the Paris Agreement's fifth birthday, a summit hosted by the UN alongside the UK, France, Chile and Italy saw a raft of pledges from political and business leaders alike - here are the key takeaways
As Climate Ambition Summit unlocks a wave of modest new climate pledges, the US President-elect vows to 'to do all that we possible can' to accelerate global climate action
Congress is likely to block any climate legislation the Biden administration pursues, but other courses of action are available