New survey from Make My Money Matter campaign reveals how corporates with net zero strategies are routinely failing to address emissions associated with their pension schemes
Push for greener UK pension sector secures major boost with social media sponsorship for news channel's flagship climate programme
Make My Money Matter research finds £2 of every £10 of UK savers' money is invested in businesses at high risk of driving forest destruction worldwide
Local Government Pension Scheme pool boasting combined assets of around £49bn also pledges to halve portfolio emissions by 2030
Make My Money Matter campaign announces that pension provides with £1tr in assets under management now have 'robust' net zero pledges in place
Pension schemes fund an estimated 330 million tonnes of carbon emissions every year, according to Make My Money Matter research
Research from Make My Money Matter shows that large UK pension schemes managing £2tr still have no net zero goals in place
The newly-launched Green Pensions Charter brings together companies which want to act to tackle the climate crisis, writes Make My Money Matter’s Jacinta Dillon
Green pensions campaign calls on defined benefit schemes of a number of major emitters including BP, ExxonMobil, Shell and British Airways to set net zero goals
Tesco and Travis Perkins among 11 new signatories to high profile sustainable pensions campaign