The change in tone on net zero since Rishi Sunak left Downing Street is palpable and barriers to clean energy investment have already been removed - but green business experts warn many difficult policy challenges now need to be addressed as a matter...
High gas and electricity prices are here for the long term unless the government takes action, argues Alan Whitehead MP, Labour's Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Net Zero
Labour's Alan Whitehead MP weighs up the differences and challenges between 'green' hydrogen and 'blue' hydrogen in the UK
The Green Homes Grant Scheme is not the only policy on page 104 of the recent Energy White Paper in danger of being cut back and watered down, warns Labour's Shadow Energy Minister Alan Whitehead MP
The government's offshore wind ambitions risk being undermined by poor delivery planning, argues Alan Whitehead - Labour's Shadow Minister for Energy and the Green New Deal
Labour's Alan Whitehead welcomes the Prime Minister's new found love of offshore wind, but warns that without a more co-ordinated approach to connecting new wind farms to the grid the government's clean energy vision could quickly run aground
The Chancellor's green home upgrade scheme risks repeating the mistakes of past retrofitting programmes, writes Alan Whitehead MP, Labour's Shadow Minister for Energy and Clean Growth
The UK's statutory 2050 net zero target should provide the basis for imminent updates to its Paris Agreement pledges, argues Labour's Alan Whitehead, despite what Ministers may suggest to the contrary
Following accusations the watchdog has failed to do enough to support the net zero transition, incoming CEO uses first day in the post to unveil sweeping climate manifesto
If the government is sincere about tackling the climate emergency, it must remove barriers to onshore wind in England, argues Alan Whitehead MP