Analysis by Wildlife and Countryside Link finds only a fraction of expected land has been supported for nature recovery through the Biodiversity Net Gain scheme since its launch last year
Defra confirms plans for over £2.6bn of investment in 1,000 flood defence projects that aim to help protect up to 66,500 homes
Major consultation exercise aims to shape new strategy to ensure UK delivers on food security, clean energy, nature, and housing goals, but government promises it 'will not tell people what to do'
Legislation introduced today paves way for long-awaited rollout of DRS that would incentivise consumers to recycle plastic drinks bottles and cans
Government bans emergency use of pesticide containing neonicotinoid Cruiser SB, but growers warn move exposes UK sugar beet crops to pests and disease
Plans for clean air zone dropped, as government approves proposals for new clean buses and green transport measures
Government says moves will better protect marine animals and help accelerate offshore wind development
Government unveils new scheme administrator that will lead efforts to reduce packing waste and promote use of recyclable materials under new regulations
Office for Environmental Protection warns government is 'largely off track' to meeting majority of legally binding nature targets, and time is rapidly running out to deliver on 2030 goals
Environment Secretary Steve Reed promises more support for sustainable domestic food producers, reforms to boost on-farm clean energy generation, and environmental protections in all future trade deals