Project is one of a number of key investments at the site that aim to push down low carbon energy costs, as it looks to advance deployment of 'carbon negative' technologies
North Yorkshire power plant once dependent on 10 million tonnes of coal annually now produces 12 per cent of UK’s renewable electricity, according to Drax Group
National Infrastructure Commission urges government to act quickly to drive development of first wave of BECCS and DACS plants, arguing carbon removals will be a cornerstone of the UK's future economy
In an event hosted by BusinessGreen, the energy and industry giants behind the largest industrial decarbonisation project in the UK sketched out their vision for how emissions produced by high carbon plants on England’s East Coast could be captured and...
Detailed and joined-up policies, behaviour change, 'whole system' infrastructure investment, and holistic energy market reform are all critical to achieving net zero emissions, report warns
Energy Transitions Commission provides guidance on availability and use of biomass, warning sustainable sources are limited in volume worldwide
Current levels of investment in negative emissions technology fall far short of levels required to cap temperature rise in line with Paris goals, new coalition warns
Energy company says carbon capture technology partnership is first of its kind in the UK
Fresh analysis warns plans for UK's largest BECCS facility in North Yorkshire could prove more expensive for taxpayers than Hinkley Point C, but developer Drax rejects calculations and insists carbon capture technology is likely to prove a crucial component...
UK energy firm to begin construction of first of three biomass pellet plants in North America later this month in bid to bolster supply chain for sustainable feedstocks