Zoom in on Net Zero - with BSI's Martin Townsend

BusinessGreen staff
clock • 1 min read

VIDEO: Director of BSI's Centre for Excellence for Sustainability chats to BusinessGreen's James Murray about the importance of clear standards and best practice in driving the net zero transition

Martin Townsend is a hugely experienced sustainability executive, with his career having taken in roles covering green policy and assessment at the Environment Agency and Defra, as well as over a decade at the Building Research Establishment (BRE).

Having joined the British Standards Institute (BSI) in 2019 as global head of sustainability and circular economy, he is now director of BSI's Centre of Excellence for Sustainability, where he leads on what is fast becoming a major area of focus for the standards-setting agency.

As well as helping industries and businesses to reduce their environmental and climate impacts in a way that helps to make them commercially successful, BSI has been working with former Bank of England governor Mark Carney on carbon offsetting standards, as well as the UK government on helping SMEs to improve their energy management through the Race to Zero campaign.

Recently, Townsend sat down for a chat with BusinessGreen's editor in chief James Murray which touched on BSI's history in environmental standard-setting, what 'good' looks like for businesses, and why standards, best practices and specifications are crucial to the net zero transition.

The conversation can be watched in full above.

This video is sponsored by BSI.

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