UK-based healthcare property developer is targeting net zero across its business by 2026, and across its wider development and investment portfolio by 2040
Companies selling male-associated products have been the target of online outrage over purpose-driven advertising - and maybe that's not a coincidence, argues Futerra's Solitaire Townsend
Prospect, Unite, GMB, and UNISON to establish collective engagement model to boost inclusive workplace culture and support 'drive to deliver net zero' at EDF Renewables UK
New framework for 1.5C-aligned climate targets in built environment sector calls for end of fossil fuel equipment installations, the retrofitting of inefficient buildings, and reductions in operational and upfront embodied emissions
New data from Cornwall Insight confirms energy costs for small businesses are still 70 per cent higher than their pre-crisis levels - and are set to rise again
From risk assessments to investments in water, waste and energy efficiency, there are a number of ways businesses can make themselves less vulnerable to climate impacts
The regulator's new guidance should result in greater clarity and simplicity around financial products and services badged as green, writes Ecology Building Society's Stephanie Landymore
As Mitie gets within striking distance of its first near-term net zero target, BusinessGreen Intelligence digs into the professional services and facilities management giant's award-winning decarbonisation strategy
Global investors can and should harness their huge influence to promote environmentally and socially just practices in the mining sector as the clean energy transition takes hold, fresh research argues
Non-profit apologises for 'inconvenience' caused by technical issues on its newly-launched disclosure platform, as it shifts reporting window and scoring dates