New text pushes commitment to 'achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions'
The sectors account for more than five per cent of global emissions yet were not allocated in the Lima accord
Countries' commitments fall 'well short' of level needed for 2C pathway, but Energy and Climate Change Secretary insists legally binding deal is still achievable
Obama hopes to sustain global warming momentum next month
The denouement to the Lima Summit may have been wearingly familiar, but it raises hopes for a 'we'll do what we can' climate treaty that would deliver a major boost to the global green economy
If you missed the conclusions or just need a refresher, BusinessGreen runs down the key commitments from the Lima climate deal
BusinessGreen runs through all the reaction to the latest UN climate agreement
Tense negotiations end with roadmap to next year's crucial climate summit in Paris, but campaigners warn it does not go far enough
Old divisions remain firmly in place as the talks run into extra time
Officials release condensed draft negotiating text in an attempt to break long-running deadlock