How social media has changed the way we find a career


Growing numbers of recruiters specialising in green jobs are turning to social media in order to source candidates

The explosion of social media over the last decade has completely changed the way we connect with the world around us. What started out as a somewhat informal way of communicating with friends and acquaintances has evolved into arguably the most popular way for businesses to interact with consumers, and for people to air their opinions on hot topics in real-time. The potential reach on networks such as Twitter and Facebook is huge, and it comes as no surprise that workers have taken to social media in order to source new jobs and find out about new opportunities.

Green marketing

In recent years, social media has become the marketing method of choice for many environmentally conscious companies intent on reducing their carbon footprint. Social media practically eliminates the need for direct marketing campaigns, which equates to producing much less printed material. As a matter of fact, growing numbers of recruiters specialising in green jobs are turning to social media in order to source candidates via every conceivable social media platform. Even a cursory search for "green job vacancies" on Twitter can produce a wealth of results regarding sustainability-focused positions available.

Finding your ideal job via social media

When looking for new jobs online, it makes sense to utilise a social network created with the sole purpose of facilitating day-to-day business. LinkedIn offers precisely this, and is routinely used by both professionals seeking work and companies looking to fill vacancies. LinkedIn is also a valuable tool for connecting with colleagues, affiliates, freelancers, industry alumni and a host of different business-related groups and individuals.

Keeping up appearances

It's worthwhile considering how you present yourself on your LinkedIn profile. Whilst other social networks may be an informal way of communicating, many employers prefer a professional approach on LinkedIn. Dress smartly in your profile picture, and keep your information as detailed and meticulous as you would on your CV. Remember, first impressions count - even in the online world.

Perhaps the biggest advantage LinkedIn has over standard social networking sites is that it provides users with a chance to allow potential employers to see their credentials. It's possible to upload your CV and relevant work experience to the site, allowing prospective recruiters to find you based upon their vacancy criteria.

Likewise, employers are also using social media to advertise their vacancies. With millions of people using dedicated business networks as well as general social media such as Twitter and Facebook, recruiters can reach millions of potential applicants, resulting in record numbers of people finding employment through social media.

Twitter users spark new hump day

Although it's never wise to directly badmouth your employer via social media, a recent study suggests that increasing numbers of people are taking to sites like Twitter to vent their frustrations about working life. Perhaps the most interesting piece of data extrapolated from the study suggests that workers are most likely to feel dissatisfied in their job on a Tuesday - not on a Wednesday, as previously thought.

Wednesday has been traditionally known throughout the workplace as "hump day" for some time - partly because it's the furthest day away from both the previous and forthcoming weekends, and can therefore seem to drag in - although with new information available, it seems that Tuesday may in fact be the most frustrating day of the working week. The study, using the social media tracking tool, Topsy, suggests that the number of negative work-related tweets begin taking a sharp incline on Monday mornings before peaking on Tuesday and gently sloping off as the weekend nears. It's now official: Tuesday is hump day.

People aren't simply letting off steam during hump day, though - they're actively searching for better jobs, and for ways to improve their job prospects. Recently released figures from Computeach have revealed that the majority of enquiries regarding enrolment on IT-related courses tend to peak during the hours of 12 and 2pm every Tuesday - or hump-day break-time. This idea is also supported by web psychologist, Nathalie Nahai who agrees that ‘after a Monday slump workers perhaps have more resolve on a Tuesday'.

How social media has become the career people want

The continued exponential growth of digital marketing is something which many companies are keen to capitalise on. Whereas it may have been important to have an online business presence a number of years ago, we live in an age where it's now crucial, and the demand for social media marketing experts has created an unprecedented demand for workers to fill these skilled jobs.

A new government-funded social media course is proof positive that the number of jobs in the digital marketing industry is set to rise. Although a large number of those searching for new jobs or courses during hump day might feel like they're too old to return to education, or that tuition fees are too expensive, the good news is that there are plenty of opportunities out there for people of all ages, regardless of their current income or financial history.

Help for mature students

The 24+ Advanced Learning Loan is a government-backed initiative which aims to help people aged 24 and over to fund their studies, and is set to help thousands to access 6-month long IT courses such as Computeach's Social Media for Business City & Guilds (Level 3).

With qualifications in social media marketing set to become even more sought after in the near future, there's never been a better time for those feeling the hump day blues to consider a change of career, and what's more, it's possible to gain three major industry-recognised qualifications in just six months with Computeach.

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