Experts weigh in on the on-going row over the use of carbon credits to offset Scope 3 emissions, and what the future might hold for the Science Based Targets Initiative
Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative preps consultation over 'guardrails' and guidelines for the use of offsets to tackle companies Scope 3 emissions
Companies that use carbon credits are more likely to aim higher, decarbonise quicker and invest more in their transition, writes VCMI's Mark Kenber
Reuters reports staff at the influential non-profit are calling for the CEO's resignation after controversial move to consult on changes to net zero standard
Science Based Targets initiative announces it will consult on changes to net zero standard that would allow for greater use of carbon offsets to tackle Scope 3 emissions
Study claims vast majority of 2030 climate targets set by 51 major global companies fall far short of what is needed to cap global warming at 1.5C
A new study unpacks some of the complicated and contradictory business attitudes towards the voluntary carbon market
Open letter argues that much more must be done internationally to 'incentivise and recognise' corporate investments in high integrity carbon markets and climate projects
The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market has launched its final assessment framework and carbon principles for crediting projects
Global body hails foundation of 'end-to-end' integrity standards covering both seller and buyer side of voluntary carbon market