New software to analyse data from smart grids and intelligent buildings
Consortium to roll out smart grid technology to about 500 Dutch homes
Researchers claim new technology will be ten times more effective than existing lithium-ion batteries
Big Blue follows $2bn US clean tech financing programme with new funds for European and Asian stimulus projects
One day after announcing acquisition of carbon software firm, SAP outlines plans for sustainability push
IT giant promises up to £2bn worth of additional financing for partners rolling out smart grid and broadband technologies
Acclimatise report sets out 10 climate risk questions every company director should ask themselves
IBM to join project to make one in 10 Danish cars electric
IT giant IBM has just launched arguably the world's largest green marketing campaign. Joel Makower asks two of the execs behind the initiative to outline the rationale behind the repositioning of the company
And solar windows, rooftops, mobile phones, laptops, paint, cars and clothing, according to IBM