Multiple User Licences |
TheBusinessGreen multi-user packages provide a flexible and cost effective way of buying multipleBusinessGreenmemberships. No matter how big or small, everyone in your team or organisiation can have instant access to the unrivalled, practical information to help plan and undertake successful green initiatives that cut costs, reduce long term risks, and deliver commercial opportunities for your organisation. JoiningBusinessGreenwill ensure that you and your colleagues enjoy cost-effective and unlimited access to:
How does it work?We will quickly arrange access for your employees toBusinessGreen, either with individual passwords or by general access through IP address recognition. With the IP access option, users are automatically logged in every time they visit the site, meaning they don't need to worry about remembering security details.
How much does it cost?That depends on how much access you want, but we can offer cost-effective packages to all firms, regardless of size. Simply fill in the form below and a member of our corporate subscription team will contact you to discuss your needs.
What if I am part of a Charity or NGO?As a charity or NGO, you will qualify for our special discounted subscription rate. To find out more, fill in the form below ensuring that you specify that you are Charity/NGO in the Company Type field or give us a call on the number below to discuss further.