Chief executives from some of the world's largest real estate companies pledge to follow the World Economic Forum's Green Building Principles in bid to halve emissions by 2030
Accommodation provider is aiming to achieve net zero across its own operations and its new building developments over the next decade
Elsa Wenzel takes a deep dive into the latest literature on how to develop new zero building projects
Four property developers and manufacturers will build houses in the climate controlled facility as part of research into decarbonising the built environment
The property giant says it is on track to achieve net zero by 2030 and aims to be carbon neutral by 2025
New Business Climate Challenge programme launched by Mayor of London aims to help firms across the capital accelerate efforts to curb their emissions
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused energy efficiency investments to tumble while increasing the energy intensity of the global economy, according to the International Energy Agency
Global real estate investor says it is "repositioning its business" to meet its new decarbonisation goals, which include reducing 'corporate emissions' to net zero by 2030 and carbon neutrality across its portfolio twenty years later